
Functions in Slint are declared using the function keyword.

Each function can have parameters which are declared within parentheses, following the format name : type. These parameters can be referenced by their names within the function body.

Functions can also return a value. The return type is specified after -> in the function signature. The return keyword is used within the function body to return an expression of the declared type. If a function does not explicitly return a value, the value of the last statement is returned by default.

Functions can be annotated with the pure keyword. This indicates that the function does not cause any side effects. More details can be found in the Purity chapter.

By default, functions are private and cannot be accessed from external components. However, their accessibility can be modified using the public or protected keywords.

  • A function annotated with public can be accessed by any component.

  • A function annotated with protected can only be accessed by components that directly inherit from it.


export component Example {
    in-out property <int> min;
    in-out property <int> max;
    protected function set-bounds(min: int, max: int) {
        root.min = min;
        root.max = max
    public pure function inbound(x: int) -> int {
        return Math.min(root.max, Math.max(root.min, x));

In the example above, set-bounds is a protected function that updates the min and max properties of the root component. The inbound function is a public, pure function that takes an integer x and returns the value constrained within the min and max bounds.