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Migration from previous versions

Migration from v0.1.x

  • Value::Array was removed and Value::Model needs to be used instead.
  • CallCallbackError was renamed to InvokeCallbackError.
  • WeakComponentInstance was removed. Use slint::Weak<slint::interpreter::ComponentInstance> instead. You might need to use slint::ComponentHandle; in your code to bring the trait into scope.

Crate features

Some crate features have been renamed:

Old Feature NameNew Feature NameNote
backend-glbackend-gl-allEnable this feature if you want to use the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend with support for all windowing systems.
x11backend-gl-x11Enable this feature and switch off backend-gl-all if you want a smaller build with just X11 support.
waylandbackend-gl-waylandEnable this feature and switch off backend-gl-all if you want a smaller build with just wayland support.