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Migrating from Older Versions

The Rust library is versioned according to the principles of Semantic Versioning. We define that the left-most non-zero component of the version is the major version, followed by the minor and optionally patch version. That means releases in the “0.y.z” series treat changes in “y” as a major release, which can contain incompatible API changes, while changes in just “z” are minor. For example the release 0.1.6 is fully backwards compatible to 0.1.5, but it contains new functionality. The release 0.2.0 however is a new major version compared to 0.1.x and may contain API incompatible changes.

This guide lists all API incompatible changes between major versions and describes how you can migrate your application’s source code.

Migrating from Version 0.1.x to 0.2.0

In 0.2.0 we have increased the minimum version of rust. You need to have rust compiler version >= 1.56 installed.



Model::row_data now returns an Option<T> instead of a simple T.

Model implementation must no longer panic when encountering invalid index in row_data and set_row_data, they should return None instead.

When calling row_data one need to unwrap the value

Old code:

let row_five = model.row_data(5);

New code:

let row_five = model.row_data(5).unwrap_or_default();
Model::attach_peer and Model::model_tracker

attach_peer() has been removed. Instead you must implement the fn model_tracker(&self) -> &dyn ModelTracker function. If you have a constant model, then you can just return &(), otherwise you can return a reference to the ModelNotify instance that you previously used in attach_peer:

Old code:

fn attach_peer(&self, peer: slint::ModelPeer) {

New code:

fn model_tracker(&self) -> &dyn ModelTracker {

or if your model is constant:

fn model_tracker(&self) -> &dyn ModelTracker {

ModelHandle was renamed ModelRc.

ModelRc::new no longer takes a Rc, but takes the structure that implements the Model trait directly. To construct a ModelRc from a Rc for your model, use the From trait. ModelRc::from is doing what ModelHandle::new was doing.

Crate features

Some crate features have been renamed:

Old Feature NameNew Feature NameNote
backend-glbackend-gl-allEnable this feature if you want to use the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend with support for all windowing systems.
x11backend-gl-x11Enable this feature and switch off backend-gl-all if you want a smaller build with just X11 support.
waylandbackend-gl-waylandEnable this feature and switch off backend-gl-all if you want a smaller build with just wayland support.